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Can Chartering a Private Jet Reduce Jet Lag? 

Can Chartering a Private Jet Reduce Jet Lag?

Flying is an ideal way to get from one place to another in the shortest amount of time. However, one of the most common issues people face when traveling by air is jet lag. While jet lag is nothing serious, it can cause some uncomfortable symptoms. Fortunately, there is a way to fly that can help to reduce the effects of jet lag. Find out what causes jet lag as well as how flying in a private charter jet can help you overcome this undesirable experience. 

What Is Jet Lag? 

Jet lag is not unheard of when it comes to flying. It can be best described as a series of symptoms that result from traveling across multiple time zones

As your body follows a pattern based on 24-hour days, the circadian rhythms within the body tell your body when it is time to sleep and when it is time to wake up. Flying across time zones causes your circadian rhythms to become out of sync with the local time of your destination. These changes can often result in a variety of common symptoms as your body tries to readjust the synchronization of your circadian rhythms. 

People tend to experience jet lag symptoms in varying degrees. However, there are some symptoms that are common to jet lag. Examples include:

  • Sleep disruptions, including insomnia. 
  • Drowsiness or extreme feelings of fatigue.
  • Headaches.
  • Sweating.
  • Inability to focus or concentrate.
  • Feelings of impaired memory.
  • Stomach problems, including reduced appetite, nausea or digestive issues.
  • Mood changes, such as irritability, or mental disorders, such as anxiety.

Jet lag is considered to be a short-term issue that generally clears away once the body has readjusted to the local time. The general time frame for the body to correct itself ranges from a few days to a few weeks depending on the overall trip. For instance, if you travel only across two time zones, you will likely feel better within a couple of days. A trip that takes you across six time zones will have a much longer impact.

However, if you are a frequent flyer, there is a chance that jet lag can become a chronic issue. It can lead to continuous cases of insomnia, depression and other medical concerns as the result of an inconsistent internal clock. 

Contributing Factors of Jet Lag

There are multiple factors that can determine how severely someone may experience jet lag symptoms, such as:

  • The details of the trip such as distance, layovers, number of time zones and length of time at the destination. 
  • The time you arrive at the destination.
  • How much sleep you've had prior to the flight.
  • The use of caffeine or alcohol during flights.
  • A lack of oxygen and decreased air pressure in the cabin.
  • Warmer temperatures and higher humidity levels within the cabin.

How Flying Private Can Reduce Jet Lag

How Flying Private Can Reduce Jet Lag

You do not have to suffer from the many symptoms that are associated with jet lag from traditional means of flying. In fact, flying in a private charter jet can help you avoid jet lag completely. Discover why flying in a private charter jet is the superior solution that helps to eliminate the discomforts of jet lag during your travels. 

Better Sleep

When it comes down to the basics, jet lag is ultimately about sleeping patterns. While it may be difficult to gradually change your sleeping patterns before you take flight, it is possible to get better sleep on a private jet than on a commercial airline. Private jets are designed with comfort in mind, giving you the ability to experience an elevated degree of comfort and privacy. From reclining chairs and beds to noise control, you can obtain the optimal amount of sleep you need to help combat jet lag symptoms. 

Adequate Air Quality

The environment you travel in plays a big role in whether or not you are likely to experience jet lag. Ideally, the aircraft cabin should have low cabin pressure in conjunction with low humidity and comfortable temperatures. Commercial airline cabins set these conditions at a standard that may not always be best for everyone, so private charter jets offer a better environment for personalization. 

At GrandView Aviation, our cabins are pressurized at a maximum of 6,600 feet, which is much less than commercial airliners. Our private jet cabins also offer more control for temperature and humidity. This means you have an environment you can customize to your individual needs. 

Light Control

Light is one of the key components that our internal clocks use to help us determine if it is time to wake up or go to sleep. As you cross through time zones, your body experiences unusual changes in lighting which can cause a lot of disruption with circadian rhythms. 

Unlike commercial airlines, charter jets have become increasingly more innovative in their designs when it comes to controlling light during travel. By having more control over lighting while inside the cabin, you can help your body to gradually adjust to the change of time zones without suffering jet lag discomforts. 

Schedule Flexibility

Flying commercial airlines does not come with the ability to fine-tune every aspect of your comings and goings during your travels. This is unfortunate since keeping your internal clock in sync with the destination time relies heavily on when you get there. 

One of the greatest benefits of flying on a charter jet is the ability to choose exactly when you take off and from where. This gives you the opportunity to schedule your travels strategically so that you can help reduce the impacts of jet lag. 

Combat Jet Lag by Flying With GrandView Aviation

Are you tired of experiencing jet lag symptoms that accompany traditional commercial airlines? If you are ready to experience superior flying conditions and leave jet lag behind, GrandView Aviation has a private charter jet waiting for you. We are dedicated to providing you with the safest, efficient, and reliable charter experience imaginable. When you fly in any of our luxury charter jets you receive unbeatable service and amenities including:

  • Flights on demand.
  • Consistency in luxury and safety.
  • Generous baggage capacity.
  • Pet-friendly.
  • Spacious interiors.
  • Unlimited, free Wi-Fi and satellite phone service.
  • Fully enclosed private lavatory.
  • Gourmet snacks, meals and alcohol.

At GrandView Aviation, we pride ourselves on making the safety of our passengers and flight crew our top priority. We are a leader in safety having been recently awarded with private aviation's most prestigious safety rating - WYVERN Wingman PRO - a designation shared with only 14 other operators in the industry. Our service is first-class and unmatched. Contact us today for more information on how you can book your next flight with GrandView Aviation. 

Combat Jet Lag by Flying With GrandView Aviation



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